On Fri, 2011-09-30 at 14:43 -0400, Chuck Payne wrote:
> Guys,
> I need to know what we will be doing for both. I heard that some
> people might have already started planning stuff for SCALE. Since they
> reached out to me, I like to go again, but I before I step into
> anything I like to know what has been talked about.


There is no formal organizing going on at the moment for SCaLE.   The
only things were that Manu was going to send out a notice to others a
month ago to send in their papers, and at the last meeting on Thursday,
SCaLE was included in a list mentioning upcoming events we want to

One thing I want to point out.  We spent a boatload of money going to
SCaLE last year, and one of the reasons for that was to shore up support
for openSUSE in Southern California.  When Jos and I initially planned
the SCaLE budget, we viewed it as an investment and one that hopefully
meant we would not have to continue shipping people to SCaLE and can
rely on local ground support.   I'm glad to know now that we have 4
people in the region who can support SCaLE and give openSUSE awesome
recognition once again.  This is an improvement over the past several
years when we continually shipped people to SCaLE.

I would strongly encourage reaching out to these people, Tony Su already
indicated he would go there, and asking them to organize the booth.
This would keep our expenses to a minimum  (just put them up in a hotel
since they all live at least 90 minutes drive away) and our investment
would effectively have paid for itself.

However, anyone and everyone is free to go as well.  But in terms of
funding, if anyone requires it, will need to be approved through the
Ambassador Travel Sponsorship program.  Granted this particular program
needs to be ironed out a bit, but I guarantee you it will within the
next few weeks.

> Also, I have been reached out by North East Linux Fest for Apirl 7th.
> They want us there.  There going to be a lot of school going to like
> MIT, Havard, and others in that area.

I would certainly hope to see some growth in the Northeast region.  We
simply don't have strong support there.   In the previous NELF, I was
informed that the attendance was expected to be rather low, and thus I
couldn't see a justification for sending some folks there in terms of
dollars.   However, it sounds like, from what you're saying, attendance
is expected to grow this year, and thus it would make excellent sense to
send some folks to NELF and shore up local support, thus creating an
investment similar to what we did at SCaLE.  We're doing well on the
west coast, we need more on the East coast now.  :-)

> Also, I am now on the board for the South East Linux Fest board as
> their community manager, I am going to be putting together a list of
> user group here in the US, I wanted to ask, what ever happen to the
> list we were working to send stuff too? I would like to add the groups
> to it. I like to do press kits for 12.1 to these groups, I am thinking
> that would be a great way for more people to use us. I will need
> someone there to help me, it going to be in Atlanta maybe will tell
> more later.
Congratulations for your appointment to SELF board.  I know SELF will
have a valued member on its board and one who is clearly dedicated and
committed to this type of work.  It's people like you that make us
confident that openSUSE growth will happen on the East Coast without a
doubt!   :-)

Thanks for your hard work Chuck!

Bryen M Yunashko
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