2011/10/5 Izabel Valverde <valverde.iza...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/10/4 Drew Adams <druony...@gmail.com>:
>> Hey everyone, Chuck Payne and I are organizing for the 10th annual
>> Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 10X). We are looking for people
>> who are planning on being at the event and to help us with the booth.
>> Also,it would be great to have some people give some talks about
>> openSUSE at the expo. If there is anyone interested in helping with
>> SCALE please contact Chuck Payne <terror...@opensuse.org> and/or myself,
>> Drew Adams <druony...@gmail.com>. If you think you might need travel
>> reimbursement contact Jos Poortvliet <j...@opensuse.org> as he is the one
>> that takes care of that as usual.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Drew Adams
>> Ambassador, openSUSE
>> IRC Handle:     Druonysue
>> Skype ID:       Druonysus
>> Skype #:        +1(714)725-SUSE
>> Phone:          +1(951)444-UNIX
>> eMail:          druony...@gmail.com
>> openSUSE User Profile:
>> http://en.opensuse.org/User:Druonysus
>> openSUSE Connect Profile:
>> https://connect.opensuse.org/pg/profile/Druonysus
>> --
>> This message sent via Novell Evolution on openSUSE 11.3 with KDE 4.7.1.
>> Get openSUSE completely free at www.openSUSE.org and "have a lot of fun!"
>> --
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> Hey Drew,
> I'm glad that we found you ;-)
> Chuck Rock again!
> I wish you guys all the best on this effort,
> Best
> Izabel
> P.S. It's openSUSE ML!
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscr...@opensuse.org
> To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+ow...@opensuse.org
You Rock, I liked the announcement.
Good Luck and if you need anything that any of us can do to help you
just ask ;-)
Have Fun in Scale

me I am not me
Time travel is possible, you just need to know the right aliens
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