Due to spotty internet and no port throughpass for IRC I am unable to
attend today's meeting.  Please go ahead and have a meeting and
cover/discuss all general marketing topics as you see fit including
the status of 12.1 Release, Ambassador plans, upcoming events, etc.

I will be back in Chicago tonight and will be able to attend
tomorrow's Check-In for 12.1.  We will be joined by members of the
openSUSEBoosters Team and combining with their 12.1 Sprint plans, thus
becoming more effective in our efforts to make 12.1 Release a
successful one.

Please prepare for the Check-In with updates on what you are doing to
prepare for 12.1 Release.  This includes letting us know, as a team
where you are on items you are workikng on and whether they are
complete or if you need more asssistance, feedback or if you have
completed your tasks.   We won't be successful if we don't communicate
to each other how we are doing and include collaboration with others
where we can get good feedback on our current items.   I am looking
forward to seeing the Booster Team join us for the Check-In tomorrow.

Thanks and see you tomorrow at 15:00 UTC for the Check-In!

Have a great day!
Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE MarketingTeam
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