Hi Jan and Bruno,

Am Wed, 19 Oct 2011 22:26:24 +0200
schrieb Bruno Friedmann <br...@ioda-net.ch>:

I'm very sorry to hear that neither openSUSE 11.4 nor openSUSE 12.1 DVDs
will be available.

> Alexandra, you really get nobody for the booth ?
> As I've explained in my mail, I'm not a german speaking people,
> so it depends a lot about the attendee, if most of them only speak
> german it's done for me.

Unfortunately exactly that is the case. We would need a german speaking
Many thanks though for offering help.

No, we didn't get anyone. Only one of the two austrian ambassadors
offers contact details on his wiki page and he is too busy at that time.
The two german ambassadors, who live in a reasonable distance to
Vorarlberg to come here for one day, didn't answer.

> I've a big computer + 1 netstation + 2 laptops that easily do demo
> Let me know what kind of attendee is expected and how much people you
> have to help on the booth. okay ?

We are not enough people to have an extra openSUSE both, the
organisation team is too small for that.

What we will have are some trial computers with different Linux
distributions, one of them openSUSE.
(Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and Gentoo have an extra booth)

Maybe next year openSUSE will have a better representation on
LinuxDay ;)


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