Am 11.11.2011 14:11, schrieb Bryen M. Yunashko:

With 12.1 just days away, please visit and help out wherever
you can.  We need volunteers to handle the various social networks and
to add any relevant stuff to the launch plan.

Carlos, you volunteered to create a new 3D Geeko for 12.1 that we can
use on our social media pages.  Can you let us know the status of this?

Kostas, you said you'd contact the Ambassador team to find people who
are handling social media in other languages and ask them to join us.
Can you send an email this weekend?

On Monday afternoon, I will send out an email to the Project and ask the
community to join in the reptition efforts so we can get some good high
visibility in the various networks.

Beginning this Sunday, I will begin days-long efforts to fully monitor
and push content out on the sites I have volunteered to work with.
Let's touch bases on Monday/Tuesday to see how we are all doing.

Again, volunteering is highly encouraged and fun!  :-)  Please let me
know if you have any questions.  So ask questions so you don't get left
out of the fun!

Thanks all,
Bryen M Yunashko

I will promote oS on G+ (and in my blog), anyone else?


 -o) Kim Leyendecker, openSUSE Community Member
 /\\ Email: leyendecker@{,}
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