I have to admit this would be a tough vote! Congrats!

On 21 January 2012 20:17, andit robert <anditosan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello my dear friends of the community
> Our wallpaper submission deadline for openSUSE 12.2 is now over. We
> asked a few of our artists to help us create a good selection of
> wallpapers for the upcoming release. Our deadline was fixed very early
> since the wallpaper is has become a key element in creating derivative
> artwork, such as Twitter banners, Facebook profile pictures, DVD
> sleeves and many other things. Hence our early date, we wanted to work
> on our artwork early enough so that we can make more derivative
> artwork faster and with improved quality.
> We understand that there may be people in the community who have
> worked on wallpapers for 12.2 and have not yet submitted them to the
> wallpaper artwork page located here
> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Wallpapers
> If you know of anyone who is worked on a wallpaper and would like to
> submit them, please let us know via email. You can reply to this email
> to let us know as well. That way we can include everyone who wanted to
> give this contest a try. If no there are no replies by Monday January
> 23, 2012, we will assume that such wallpapers cannot make it into the
> contest.
> Another change we made this time is that we will choose one default
> wallpaper and then two other wallpapers as extras in case users would
> not want to use the default wallpaper. For this I am trying to find
> out what packages can carry the default wallpaper and what package can
> carry the other 2 wallpapers chosen. Please, if you know, post it on
> this email thread. I believe coolo might now, would you let us know
> what is more recommendable in case we want to include more wallpapers?
> As usual, you can review the wallpapers on the page mentioned above
> and start voting just like it was done last time.
> One more thing, thank you so much artists for your great and valuable
> work. openSUSE should look pretty awesome after your contributions
> made it to the release. Thank you again.
> PS: My emails are imperfect. I may have omitted important information.
> If so, please add it to this thread.
> --
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