On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Marcel Kühlhorn <susefa...@gmx.de> wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-04-01 at 13:24 -0500, Shayon Mukherjee wrote:
>> This is an April fool prank isn't it ?:D
>> On Apr 1, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Bryen M Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com> wrote:
>> > I was shocked and devastated to read the news about Jos Poortvliet
>> > leaving openSUSE for OWNCloud on
>> > https://plus.google.com/109027644713767623413/posts/cJ6GmDq7ekF
>> >
>> > We will miss him and we thank him for all his great work.  :-)
>> >
>> > It will take us some time to find a new community manager with suitably
>> > long hair to match the qualifications that Jos brought to the table.
>> > This will clearly be a long search.
>> >
>> > Bryen M Yunashko
>> > openSUSE Project
>> >
> I think the one tigerfoot did is even better:
> https://plus.google.com/109140068131989370067/posts/aZQZXy9MiPn
> Especially the "/ as tmpfs" part :D
> --
> Marcel Kühlhorn
> freenode: tux93
> Have a lot of fun!

Damn, I going to miss the hugs.

Terror PUP a.k.a
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