On Sun, 2012-04-08 at 21:26 +0200, Victor hck wrote:
> "We are a community far more than a product."
> I like that !!
People in my generation and later grew up in a world where software is a
static thing, and a product to be purchased. Getting away from that idea
is difficult.

Free software is about the right to share. As such, it is a
fundamentally pro-social behavior. Every program represents the hopes,
dreams, and efforts of people working together and sharing. It is
important to work towards and idea of software as a community rather
than as a product... especially seeing as that does in fact represent
the truth of Free Software. People come to Linux, still clinging to the
proprietary customer-product paradigm. It occurs to me, that perhaps we
do not do enough to break this bad habit. Our paradigm seems new to
people coming from the Windows world... but in truth, it is ancient.
Indeed, I think it is what Karl Marx referred to when he spoke on
"primitive communism." Sharing is the basis of community, and thus Free
Software by definition is more community than the sum of its products.

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