On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 14:23 +0200, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> On Thursday 17 May 2012 19.15:50 Lars Vogdt wrote:
> > Hi Marketing Team!
> > 
> > I know that 6 June 2012 is a long, long day in the future, but  
> > nevertheless, the preparation is going on and as we are already  
> > supporting IPv6 since a year now, I guess spending some marketing  
> > efforts in this area will give us an easy win.
> > 
> > I already added openSUSE and openSUSE-Education as IPv6 participants  
> > on the list of the Internet Society (  
> > www.worldipv6launch.org/participants/ ) and now I also prepared some  
> > Newsletter for our users here:
> >    http://news.opensuse.org/?p=13372&preview=true
> > 
> > If someone finds the time to go through my ugly English there and  
> > maybe enhance the text with some additional information, I would  
> > really appreciate this.
> > 
> > I want to give the time for the release on news.opensuse.org in your  
> > hands - just find a suitable date and click on the button, Admins.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Lars
> Thanks for your efforts Lars to promote the future of internet. 
> And tell people that Geeko is ready for that.
> As review I would said okay perhaps just removing capital on preferred 
> Operating System 
> operating system ...
I think this is okay to leave it capitalized.  It is functioning as a
Pronoun in this case rather than generic operating system.  

Couple of other minor edits:

First sentence "As last year,... " should be "Like last year,..."  As
last year says that you *are* 2011.  :-)

Second paragraph "openSUSE shows again it’s readiness"  change it's to

Other than that, I think its good to go!  :-)


> -- 
> Bruno Friedmann 
> Ioda-Net Sàrl www.ioda-net.ch
> openSUSE Member & Ambassador
> GPG KEY : D5C9B751C4653227
> irc: tigerfoot

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