On Thu, 2013-02-28 at 11:47 +0100, Henne Vogelsang wrote:
> Hey,
> On 28.02.2013 11:19, Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> > Henne Vogelsang wrote:
> >> On 28.02.2013 10:11, Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> >>> www.opensuse.org has a pretty huge banner to advertise the conference in
> >>> July. Well, there is nothing wrong with that in general but what about
> >>> reducing the height until a few weeks after the 12.3 release? Just to
> >>> make sure the conference banner doesn't dominate the screen when the hot
> >>> topic is the release?
> >>
> >> You should replace it with the 12.3 banner for a couple of weeks once
> >> 12.3 is released.
> > 
> > The 12.3 banner is already there. The banner is the countdown. We have
> > it in the square form you currently see but also as wide version like a
> > banner.
> It's not actionable, it doesn't lead anywhere. It's just information on
> when something is going to happen. You have a split second to get
> peoples attention so you better hit them over the head with what you
> want them to do.
> > It probably doesn't look good to put both on the web site
> Sure, why not? The countdown is just information about when this thing
> is going to be released. Once it's there hit people over the head with a
> large "Download 12.3 NOW!" banner on the most prominent place we have to
> offer. You shouldn't mind the duplication of information if you want to
> get your point across.
> > So the options we have are either to shrink the conference banner or remove
> > it completely I guess. IMO shrinking it would be better so the
> > conference still benefits from the attention the release gets.
> I'm telling you, people who visit the frontpage notice first and
> foremost the banner. If you want people to pay attention to the release,
> replace the conference banner with a release banner.
> Henne

I'm in agreement with Henne, the landing page needs to be in
"knock-'em-over-the-head" mode.  And its good that we're doing that now.
For a long time we never really mazimized the marketing potential this
page holds for us.  And yes, Ludwig's statement that the hot news of the
day should be most prominent there.

I'm suprised looking at the countdown banner that it doesn't currently
link to anything.  Didn't it used to do that?  I'm 99% certain that if I
clicked on the countdown banner in the past, it led me somewhere.  It's
not that complicated to add a link to the image.

One other thing to mention, while the top banner is displayed as a
foreground image, the countdown banner and the other three buttons (Get
it, Discover it, etc...) are background images.  This is problematic in
that when some accessibility settings are in place in your browser,
those background images disappear.  And there's nothing I can click
anywhere in that case.

Linked is a screenshot example of what I mean.  This is created when you
go into Firefox > Preferences > Content > Color > uncheck the "Allow
pages to choose their own colors..." box.


If this can be fixed, that'd be awesome.


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