On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 12:01:09 -0500
Chuck Payne <terror...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is the format I have layout
> The Editor Notes
> ( Talking about the Issue )

> News from Geeko Community 
> ( Hi-Lites of news that happen )

> Planet Lizard 
> ( Seeing up a poll on the last blogs from Planet Lizard that would be
> great is shared ) 

> Event Calendar  
> ( Where will openSUSE be, from Fest, Schools, Install Party, etc...)

> The Board 
> ( News from the Board )

> What Hot in openSUSE 
> ( Things that are hot in the openSUSE Project )

> Article on openSUSE 
> ( From our Members, from community around the world, the next
> release hose  ) 

> Asked the Mighty Dragon 
> ( Q and A, the answer would come from advocates, mentors, anyone that
> wants to help) 

> Last Scale 
> ( Note to end the magazine )

Layout looks good, but I would like if it would be not so labor
intensive as previous Weekly News. 

Simple format, no fancy templates that is not easy to fill in without
errors, which gave headache to everybody. 

Regards, Rajko.
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