On 10/28/2014 11:33 AM, Alexjan Carraturo wrote:
>> Help is desperately needed. We lack a headline, screenshots are from the
>> previous announcement, there are missing sections and we still don't
>> have the quotes. Not to mention that I wrote it in a hurry and it needs
>> serious review.
> My 2c for headline (I know may seems stupid, but in my language sounds good)
> openSUSE 13.2: green light to freedom
> (referring to semaphore)

I like it. Adopted :-)

I updated the announcement with that slogan and the desktop screenshots
(too bad there is no single MATE screenshots in
https://en.opensuse.org/Screenshots_13.2). I will continue now with
other screenshots. https://news.opensuse.org/?p=18707&preview=true


Ancor González Sosa
openSUSE Team at SUSE Linux GmbH

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