Hey gals and guys.

To keep it simple:

I think we should push further with the marketing on social networks. I see that G+, TW and FB people are doing a hell of a work. Since I'm more active on and familiar with Diaspora, I'd like to create & run an official openSUSE Diaspora account. *Who do I need to run it through?* I'd be posting news and such, pretty much the same as on other social media sites.


I'm reviving an idea of a 'desktop screenshot contest'. We could have monthly competitions for the best desktop. The rules would go something like this: - Three weeks time span to post a desktop screenshot in a single month (f.ex. - first three months in march). Now, this idea was originally meant to drive more flow to the hangout section of the forum (Oh would i love that), but we could expand it (but at the same time not fragment it too much) to include the project's flickr artwork site.
- The voting could be arranged on openSUSE connect.
- Monthly winners announced and receive a small prize.

Now, my initial plan was to ask someone for sponsorship for awards. For monthly prizes, I think it would be a good idea to contact UnixStickers, and ask them for sponsorship. I think it shouldn't be too much of a hassle for them to send one of these (http://www.unixstickers.com/stickers/linux_os_distribution_stickers/opensuse-linux-kit-stickers-and-pins) once a month for an exchange of mentioning them in our news posts relating to the prizes and maybe a logo & thank you at the bottom (As in, thanks to unixstickers for making this possible, f.ex.). And for a yearly prize, we could make a poll for people to pick the best out of 12 winners, and the yearly winner gets a coupon for, let's say 50€, for shop.opensuse.org.

This could come out very nice, as it would eliminate the hassle of someone having to manually pack and send prizes every month, though i could do it if there's no other way.

Any thoughts/suggestions/obstacles, or should i continue with the projects normally?

For those that don't know me, holden87's the name, and I'm an openSUSE member and newsman, so you guys don't put this mail in your spam folder or think it's a hoax. :)

Eagerly waiting for your answers, guys.

Kind geeko regards,

Nenad Latinović
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