On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Robert Schiele wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 04:14:17PM +0100, Richard Guenther wrote:
> > I see we now have several versions of gcc and binutils sources in the
> > CrossToolchain subpackages.  Can we somehow consolidate some of them
> > in CrossToolchain:(binutils|gcc)-$ver packages you can link from?  Also
> Hello?  If you really want to consolidate that stuff then why don't you answer
> to my mails regarding that topic I sent to you and the list more than two
> weeks ago?

Because we had some discussions on what would be the right thing to do
here and I got side-tracked by other stuff.  Basically the question is
how to make it easy to, for example, use the Factory binutils sources
and build a cross package for an architecture not included in the
Factory variant.  This requires that a .spec file in the cross project
can easily re-use the prep section from the Factory binutils spec file
so it doesn't require manual updating on every package update in the
Factory tree.  (Note that I believe that stuffing everything back
to Factory is not the way to go)  The only reasonable way to do this
seems to be to follow the trick the rpm-python spec file is using,
including a part of the rpm spec file.  I wanted to try this on
avr binutils and avr gcc to see if it works out before proposing this.

For reference, rpm-python.spec looks like

Name:           rpm-python
BuildRequires:  python-devel
License:        GNU General Public License (GPL)
Group:          System/Packages
Summary:        Python Bindings for Manipulating RPM Packages
Version:        4.4.2
Release:        88
Requires:       rpm = %{version}

Source99:       rpm.spec
%{expand:%(sed -n -e '/^Source:/,/^BuildRoot:/p' <%_sourcedir/rpm.spec)}


%{expand:%(sed -n -e '/^%%prep/,/^%%install/p' <%_sourcedir/rpm.spec | sed 
-e '1d' -e '$d')}



Richard Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Novell / SUSE Labs
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - Nuernberg - AG Nuernberg - HRB 16746 - GF: Markus Rex
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