Hi All,

Below is an overview of changes/features for AppArmor in the openSUSE 10.3


Profile Language Features/Changes:

o File Locking Mediation

  Mediation of advisory and mandatory file locking by applications has been
  added with this release. This feature introduces a new permission character
  "k" in the profile language to indicate that the specified resource is allowed
  to perform the relevant locking operation.

o File Append Mediation

  Mediation of appending writes has been added. This feature introduces a new
  permission character "a" to indicated this operation is allowed. The "a"
  permission is mutually exclusive to the "w" permission, i.e. the a given rule
  may include "w" or "a" but not both.

o Network Mediation

  Coarse grained network access control has been added to this release.  This
  feature allows mediation of network access based on address type and family.

    'network' [[<domain>] [<type>] [<protocol>]] ','

  The protocol specification is very limited and in the general case 'network
  <domain> <type>' will be emitted by the module in access denied messages, and
  output by the profile generation tools.

  <domain> = "inet", "ax25", "ipx", "appletalk", "netrom", "bridge", "atmpvc",
             "x25", "inet6", "rose", "netbeui", "security", "key", "packet",
             "ash", "econet", "atmsvc", "sna", "irda", "pppox", "wanpipe",

           The domains "llc", "iucv", "tipc" are currently mediated but can not
           be specified.  Too allow them wide open networking must be used. ie
           the rule network, this will be fixed

  <type>   = "stream", "dgram", "seqpacket", "rdm", "raw", "packet"

           The type "dccp" is currently not allowed but this will get fixed

  <protocol> = "tcp", "udp", "icmp"

  network,              # allow all networking              
  network inet,         # allow use of all inet networking
  network inet stream,  # allow tcp                    

  network inet tcp,     # dito                      
  network tcp,          # allow inet and inet6 tcp,

  Note: The tools currently support family and type specification only. This
        however fully supports the feature as only type and family are emitted
        by the module and allows full generation of profiles to mediate network
        behavior supported by the module.

o Modification to Directory handling

  New syntax to distinguish directories from files.

  The previous behavior made no explicit handling for directories. The new
  kernel module makes access to directories explicit and distinguished by the
  addition of a trailing '/' to a rule that identifies it as a directory.

  Old Behavior:

  /path/to/somewhere     r, # Gives read access to the path 
                            # whether a file or directory

  /path/to/somewhere/*   r, # Read access to all files and directories
                            # in /path/to/somewhere

  /path/to/somewhere/**  r, # Read access to all files and directories
                            # under /path/to/somewhere

  New Behavior:
  /path/to/somewhere/*  r, # Gives read access to files in the directory 

  /path/to/somewhere/   r, # Gives read access to the directory 
                           # element only

  /path/**/              r, # Gives read access to all directory entries
                            # under /path

  /path/to/somewhere/**  r,  # Gives access to files and directories under 
                             # /path/to/somewhere

o Message format changes

  The messages emitted by the AppArmor kernel module have changed in this
  relase. These changes make AppArmor more consistent with standard usage of
  the Linux Audit Framework and utilize the message typing available to make
  log file parsing and the profile management tool development less complex.
  The updated message format utlizes the following message (operation) types:

  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_AUDIT    1501    /* AppArmor audited grants */ 
  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_ALLOWED  1502    /* Allowed Access for learning */
  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_DENIED   1503 
  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_HINT     1504    /* Process Tracking information */
  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_STATUS   1505    /* Changes in config */
  #define AUDIT_APPARMOR_ERROR    1506    /* Internal AppArmor Errors */

  Other data is provided in the body of the message in name value pairs.

  The AppArmor module will still default to syslog if the Linux Audit Framework
  infrastructure is not availalble.

o Modification to change_hat  

  The reporting of chang_hat related events and information has changed. The
  log messages and profile state (as available via /proc/<pid>/attr/current)
  are reported as:


 This change should be transparent to most users from the last release.

o Minor Syntax Bug Fixes:

  * The '^' character can now be properly used in pathnames and
    character classes.

  /foo[^b]   # used to be broken /foo[ and hat b] even if it was
             # in a file rule instead of specifying a profile now it is handled
             # correctly

  * The , character is no longer a valud character in a filename in the case it 
    the last character before whitespace:
  /foo,bar    #valid  /foobar,    #invalid

o Change Profile Feature

  A new change_profile policy specification was added.  Change_profile is
  similar to change_hat but allows changing to any profile (including hats), not
  just hats.  The restriction is that the profiles that can be changed to must
  be specified.  To change to a hat via change_profile instead of change_hat the
  hat name is specified by separating the profile and hat_name with //

   'change_profile' <profile> ','

   change_profile /bin/foo,   #allow change_profile to /bin/foo
   change_profile /bin/foo//hat  # allow change_profile to ^hat in /bin/foo

  Note: this feature is not configurable via the profiling tools.

Userspace Changes

o AppArmor LAF dispatcher for DBUS

  A dispatcher for the Linux Audit Framework that sends AppArmor events to
  consumer applications via DBUS message bus. This must be configured via the
  auditd.conf file in order to be registered as a dispatcher for audit events.

  For more info:


o AppArmor logparsing library

  A library which provides an api to access AppArmor data from system log files.
  The library supports the Linux Audit Framework format and the standard syslog

o Support for Network Repository for profile storage

  The AppArmor profile tools now interact with local and remote repositories of
  profiles to supply the user with profiles when profiles are needed for
  applications and to allow central storage of AppArmor profiles accross
  multiple machines.

  * Selecting profiles from a repository:
    The user is prompted to select a profile from one or more users in the
    network repository or from the local inactive profile repository

  * Storing profiles in a repository
    The user has the option of storing profiles in a remote repository. The user
    is reqiured to supply a username, password, and email address to
    create/access an account on the repository server and then the
    new/changed profiles can be stored on the remote server.

o AppArmor Desktop Applet for Gnome

    A desktop applet for gnome that AppArmor events via dbus.

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