
creating the symlink to licenses in the licenses package is curently 
done by including a small script in each spec file, like:

for FILE in COPYING copyright.txt ; do
    MD5SUM=$(md5sum $FILE | sed 's/ .*//')
    if test -f /usr/share/doc/licenses/md5/$MD5SUM ; then
        ln -sf /usr/share/doc/licenses/md5/$MD5SUM $FILE

This is error-prone (see bug 306681) and adds lots of duplicated code to 
the spec files.

Please add a small script to the licenses package or create a rpm macro 
that creates the symlink. If the rpm macro could also drop in a 
"Requires: licenses", it would be even better.

The specfile should then contain commands like (replacing the example 

    %symlink_license COPYING
    %symlink_license copyright.txt

Oh, and please do this ASAP, before more package(r)s include the script 
in the spec file ;-)


Christian Boltz
    31.8.-3.9.2007: Weinfest und Jubiläum 1225 Jahre Insheim
Pig Slip, Hifi-Delity, Human Fact, Frank Petersen und die Söhne Insheims 
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