Am Wednesday 29 August 2007 schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
> On Aug 24 2007 17:52, Vladimir Nadvornik wrote:
> >> It's pretty simple: BuildRequire fdupes and then use "%fdupes
> >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" in your install section. This will check for duplicated
> >> files and make them hardlink. Just be careful that these duplicated
> >> files do not end up in different subpackages - I haven't tried what rpm
> >> does in that case.
> >
> >There seems to be another problem. %fdupes can create hardlinks between
> >files that would finally end on different partitions.
> >See
> >
> >Using something like
> >%fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
> >%fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/srv
> >...
> >
> >fixes the problem.
> What if /srv/ftp and /srv/www were separate mounts?

Then you still had to find a package that puts files in both?

Greetings, Stephan

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