It looks like "rpm2cpio | cpio -icvt" isn't a good test for users and groups, because my rpm's were coming up with lots of files owned by root, but when I actually apply the rpm's, the files are coming up with the correct owners now.

That rpm2cpio test seems to work OK for permissions bits and file inclusion/exclusion though.

Dan Stromberg wrote:

I have a spec file with:

%files -f /tmp/datallegro-base-files-for-rpm

...and in /tmp/datallegro-base-files-for-rpm I have things like (for example) :

%attr(664,ingres,ingres) /datallegro/CHANGES
%dir %attr(775,ingres,ingres) /datallegro/bin
%attr(775,ingres,ingres) /datallegro/bin/GetSOVersion
%attr(4755,root,root) /datallegro/bin/PriorityServer
%attr(775,ingres,ingres) /datallegro/bin/da_top

...but if I rpm2cpio the resulting rpm and pipe that into cpio -icvt, 100% of the files are under user root, group root. Also, the files in the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT are owned mostly by ingres - I can see that with ls.

We need to package the rpm -as- root, but we don't want all the files to be owned /by/ root on the target system.

Am I doing something wrong? Why are all these files coming up owned by root instead of by ingres?

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