On Wed, 9 Jan 2008, Dan Stromberg wrote:

> We may not not need dual file ownerships.  In fact, I believe we don't.
> We want to automate our install as much as possible, and some here believe
> that rpm is the right way to automate it, including rpm file dual ownership.
> For example, we want to throw a getty on ttyS0 - for that we need to change
> /etc/inittab.  The approach so far has been to replace /etc/inittab.  I'm now
> trying to gently pitch changing it from a post and postun.

and in the case of /etc/inittab it will be the best way to modify it
(instead of just plainly replacing the file).

This file is marked as %config(noreplace) in the package owning it
(in this case aaa_base) so you are indeed pretty safe from your changes
being overwritten by a possible aaa_base update.

Putting this the other way around: if the need arises to frequently
touch some system-owned files, it may make sense to
 either get the distribution to support your local changes, maybe even
controlled by some sysconfig variable or similar
 or get the distribution to mark that file as %config(noreplace) in 
the owning package.

But both of these approaches have their issues and can not always
be taken. For example if a config file in a package changes from
time to time (because of upstream), a %config(noreplace) would prevent
updating users from getting the new configuration, which may even be
needed for proper operation of a certain given package ...

with kind regards (mit freundlichem Grinsen),
Linux Fatou 2.6.24-rc6-git7-2-default #1 SMP 2008/01/01 21:14:48 UTC x86_64
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