Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
> Source91:  filter-requires.sh
> %define    _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
> %define    __find_requires %{SOURCE91}
> where filter-requires.sh basically would create the list for RPM.
> That seems not to work (at least with openSUSE 10.3 within the
> buildservice).

Well, it should work :). What does your filter-requires.sh script look
like? It should expect a list of filenames on stdin and output a list of
dependencies on stdout.

> So what I wonder is:
> - does SUSE's rpm know about _use_internal_dependency_generator at all?

SUSE's rpm has _use_internal_dependency_generator already set to 0, so
this part is OK.

> - can I instead just use "AutoReqProv: no" and keep the rest of the
>   above example?

I'm not sure, but I think that with this line rpm won't generate _any_
automatic dependencies for the package.

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