Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> With the new packaging of the virtual stack, libvirt now push dependencies on 
> xen, AND virtualbox.
> Look like we are getting more and more stuff auto-bad-gically installed.
> I don't need xen, nor I don't want to have virtualbox (which ask 
> virtualbox-qt, which then ask other things on a server)
> Is it possible (I didn't dig into packaging spec) to make libvirt smarter.
> For example if someone want only kvm virtualization he didn't get xen, lxc, 
> virtualbox.
> In link with yast, there was a time you could choose on virtual system 
> (kvm,xen). So the yast module has to bee re-aligned with new possible choices.
> Perhaps I've lost track on something. So my assumptions good be wrong, but I 
> would like to hear someone about the benefit over the inconvenient.

What you are seeing is simply a bug, already found by AJ

I spent quite a bit of time cleaning up the upstream spec file (which is
the basis for the SUSE spec file)

A new maintenance update has been submitted to fix the issue

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