On 2/10/06, Piotr Orzechowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Well, it seems I'm the only one interested in translating
> opensuse.org into Polish so far... :) There's however one person,
> who's helping me with that by reading already translated documents
> and reporting his opinions. I'm grateful for that, so I'd like to
> place under my username (on the Translation Team page) thanks to
> Mieczyslaw Solarz (he agreed with that) for supporting me with
> translation, or just to mention him there as a team member (I
> believe, virtually he is team member if he's continuosly helping).
> So here's my question:
> May I do that?
> Kind regards,
> Piotr Orzechowski.


Of course you can. The wiki is as much yours as it is ours, and if you
think that someone deserves recognition by naming them, you don't need
anybody's permission.

Poitr? Is that a Polish form of Peter?

Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin

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