Hallo Leute,

Am Sonntag, 26. März 2006 19:21 schrieb houghi:
> On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 11:30:19AM +0200, Marco Stella wrote:
> > Really none? Good!
> > I'm Italian and I've just subscribed at Italian list (2 days
> > ago)... Well... It's seems I have the honour to post the first
> > message! I'll do it now!  :-)
> >
> :-)
> Perhaps the making of a new list should be anounced as a news item.

Yes, and maybe also on opensuse-announce mailinglist for people who 
don't (have the time to) check the opensuse.org website/news regularly.

Idea: Send out a (weekly? monthly? [1]) openSUSE newsletter containing 
the news items since the last newsletter.
Simply dump http://en.opensuse.org/OpenSUSE_News to a mail ;-)


Christian Boltz

[1] or combine it with the alpha/beta release announcements - it would
    bring some more positive items (compared to the "most annoying bugs" 
    list ;-)
Achso, "danke" fuer die Beleidigung. Darf ich dich so zitieren?
Das waere praktisch als Ausrede, wenn ich mal jemanden flamen will.
    "Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, flamed es sich ganz ungeniert"
[David Haller in suse-linux]

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