On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 12:10:37AM -0600, Magnus Boman wrote:
> >>> On Sat, Jul 8, 2006 at  3:51 PM, in message
> houghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > I suddenly get a very strange layout on Firefox
> > (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en- US; rv: Gecko/20060527
> > SUSE/1.0.2- 0.1 StumbleUpon/1.9993 Firefox/
> No problems here. Also using

Mmm. Tried it again (after trying it previously about 10 times) and now it
suddenly works. No changes are done previously or afterwards. Strange.

I get an error on

But that is just a sidenote.
________________________        Open your eyes, open your mind
                        |       proud like a god don't pretend to be blind
             houghi     |       trapped in yourself, break out instead
http://openSUSE.org     |       beat the machine that works in your head

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