On Sunday 30 September 2007 08:06:06 pm Christian Boltz wrote:
> Hello,
> on Sonntag, 30. September 2007, Rajko M. wrote:
> > Seems not updated since some time.
> > I see new users adding coordinates, but not appearing on the map.
> > CBoltz?

Good that you have seen my message.

> Something[tm] broke it, but at least it wasn't my fault *g*
> My coordinates.php file fetches
> http://en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=OpenSUSE_Community/Map/Coordinates&a
>ction=raw Until now, it simply passed the content to the map script (and
> worked the last time I checked it), so the problem must be caused by a
> change on the coordinates page.

If that was comment in the middle of the {{map_user... list than it is my 
fault. I didn't want to remove faulty entry, I just commented it out, but my 
crystal ball got meldown some time ago, and I haven't seen where is the 
problem ;-)  

> I have modified the code in coordinates.php [1]. This means:
> - all lines before the <!--START--> comment will be ignored
> - all remaining lines containing "{{map_user" will be read
> - all other lines will be dropped
> I have moved the entry
>     <!-- In the middle of the sea?
>     {{map_user|54:11:47|2:49:40|SuSe User UK|South Lakes Lancashire
>     Cumbria}}
>     -->
> to the top of the page, because the new PHP code does NOT ignore it - it
> simply drops the "<!--" and "-->" lines ;-)
> If someone can fix this entry, just move it downwards again.

Someone with name "SuSe User" probably just played to see how map works. 
I guess that entry can be removed. 

> I have also done some minor bugfixing and enhancements:
> - people who didn't enter an URL will no longer have their name linked
>   as <a href="">
> - there's a "loading map data..." notice now until the data is loaded
> - the name list below the map is now organized in columns instead of an
>   endless line and therefore easier to read
> To make the story short: The map works again :-) and I'll run
> "mv $0 bed/ now.
> Rajko, you might want to update the screenshot in the wiki - there are
> much more users in the map now ;-)

Will be soon.

> Regards and good night,
> Christian Boltz

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