Daniel Radetic schrieb:
On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 11:21 -0500, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
Whenever I use the fglrx drivers for the video my machine locks up hard whenever I try anything that uses openGL Also, when I"m using the native wireless madwifi drivers for the Atheros wireless nic The machine will lock up hard when I shut down, or try to disable the NIC.

Does anyone here have any idea what could be the problem? I'm running SUSE 9.3 with Kernel:
Try booting with kernel line option acpi=off and see if lockups reoccur.

I had the similar problems. They had been solved by another kernel boot option (pci=noacpi). I have no idea if this option has another impact to the system as acpi=off does.

BTW: You might find more help to SuSE 9.3 issues also in alt.linux.suse and alt.os.linux.suse. This ML is originaly for openSUSE 10 ...

Best regards,

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