Hi Christoph, hi Eberhard

Christoph Thiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: 
>On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Eberhard Moenkeberg wrote:
>> But currently Packman is not sufficient for x86_64. I need 
>> /pub/linux/misc/suser-drcux/ for the "Opteron Packman", and that archive
>> still is not YaST compatible. But: it is already present. ;-))
>Eberhard, it shouldn't be a big deal to run 
>  "createrepo /pub/linux/misc/suser-drcux/"
>on ftp.gwdg.de. That would make this repo "YaST compatible" (at least for 

In future, i can do this on my own server, so Eberhard get the repo-metadata
with rsync, wait for weekend... ;)

suser-drcux is only temporary for Packman, for me it's the easyer way. If
other Packmans build "official" 10.0-Packages, i will do also.


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