On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 02:32:39PM +0200, Daniel Bertolo wrote:
> The main problem is that I as a costumer can not get LinDVD nor PowerDVD
> as they only sell their product to OEMs. If they would sell it, Novell
> would not have to do anything.

That is indeed the problem. If they would offer a binary for sale (for a
reasonable price) that would be great.

What would be even better if they just offer it for free. They are in the
business of selling DVD's, not software, or so would one think. Instead
they try to rip us customers of several times.
1 time for the DVD
1 time for the player
1 time for the fact you are not allowed to make copies
1 time for the extra tax on blank CD's and DVD's (here in Belgium)

Quote correct   (NL) http://www.briachons.org/art/quote/
Zitiere richtig (DE) http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren
Quote correctly (EN) http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html

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