houghi wrote:
On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 02:22:02PM +0200, jdd wrote:
looks like this add a level of complexity :-(

Not more then what there already is, at least not really.
what will be the difference between SUSE Linux 10.0 downloadable and SUSE LInux OSS 10.0 also downloadable ? I guess proprietary free software like acrobat or java?

CD's and DVD
90 days (?) support

there no cd nor dvd nor book (probably nor support) on the _downloadable_ SUSE Linux.

so there will be three downloadable versions, with the 10.1 alpha added to the boxed version. quite a lot.

No there will be two versions. 10.0 and 10.0 OSS.

two "stable" if you want.

I think it would be far more simple to have only a "non OSS" ftp repository

It would indeed be easier to have just one repository for everything
(including stuff that is on e.g. the guru and packman repo's)

I understand SUSE want's to have a separate "non completely oss" system (not to mention the legally unavailable stuff), but it should be more simple to have the SUSE Linus OSS + in an other repository what makes the SUSE Linux (non OSS, these naming are awfull :-()

this would make 5 cd less for the mirrors...


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