Anyone her using gnokki under Opensuse-RC1?
the Problem:
pcrplx:/etc # xgnokii
Gnokii serial_open: open: Permission denied
Couldn't open FBUS device: Illegal seek

Couldn't open FBUS device: Illegal seek
Gnokii serial_open: open: Permission denied
Couldn't open FBUS device: Illegal seek
GSM/FBUS init failed!

It worked under Suse 9.3.
/dev/ttyS0 is set to 777 for testing


# Set port to the physical serial port used to connect to your phone.
# Linux version is:
port = /dev/ttyS0
# For MacOSX you will need something like:
# port = /dev/cu.USA28X1P1.1
# Use this setting also for the Bluetooth connection:
# port = aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

# Set model to the model number of your phone
model = 6210

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