I have this problem when I reboot my Toshiba Satellite 2450-S402 laptop.
It's a dual-boot system, and when I reboot from Suse 10.0 RC1 to WinXP, it
really doesn't reboot in a sense it did before.
During this reboot the computer doesn't power down as it used to do before.
When I reboot from XP to 10.0 RC1 it reboots normally, that is I can see th=
power LED briefly turn off and then it powers up again.
The problem with all this is that my Netgear GA511 pcmcia card doesn't work
properly if the reboot hasn't powered off the computer.
Also booting into XP halts at the end of the "Loading Windows XP..."
sequence, when reboot is done the 10.0 RC1 way.
A power off fixes the problem, or if I intercept the reboot by powering off
the computer (which is a pain in the neck to do, as I have the laptop docke=
and thus closed.)
The reboot procedure worked fine with SUSE 9.3 Professional.

So, to recap:

Power ON --> SUSE 10.0 RC1 =3D SUCCESS
Power ON --> Windows XP =3D SUCCESS

SUSE10.0 RC1 --> reboot ---> SUSE10.0 RC1 =3D FAILURE
SUSE10.0 RC1 --> reboot ---> Windows XP =3D FAILURE

Windows XP --> reboot --> Windows XP =3D SUCCESS
Windows XP --> reboot --> SUSE10.0 RC1 =3D=3D SUCCESS

Can anyone give me a pointer to what's happening here?

Kind regards,
Jan K.

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