Hi Patrick

Am Montag 03 Oktober 2005 15:25 schrieb Patrick Fehr:
> Funny thing: on my very first start of kde, an error appeared, it was even
> before kde could give mi it's "tipps on the start". Don't remember it, I
> was just laughing.

Did not have that problem here. Don't know, what that could be.

> http://www.opensuse.org/HCL/Laptops/IBM tried to convince me, that with the
> IBM Thinkpad T40p everything was "good to go". But that's just not true.
> Ethernet and Sound work out of the box, bluetooth works after starting the
> bluetooth protocol stack services.
> For the wireless card an Atheros which needs madwifi drivers, you have to
> get an external kernel source (nongpl), this is nowhere written on
> opensuse.org

Then do so in the wiki.

> AND video is not working meaning: I can't play DVD's, the 
> message is: no plugin for the MRL found. 

Video actually means "SaX detects the video card and configures the X server 
out-of-the-box". Playing DVDs legally under Linux is only possible with 
LinDVD or PowerDVD for Linux which actually is not available to end users. 
But this (and "I can not play MP3 files") has been discussed many times since 
I am on this list :). Just search the archive for "mp3" or "PowerDVD".

> Power Management is partially 
> working: The light get's darker when I pull the plug BUT the cpu clockspeed
> is always on 598MHz, which can only be a bad joke. It should be there ONLY
> if the cable is unplugged. (I have 1600MHz at maximum, but not with the
> power management under openSuSE)

This is the default setting which powers up the CPU to the maximum just when 
it's needed. Start OpenOffice.org while watching /proc/cpuinfo. You will see 
that the frequency rises as soon as the power is needed. If you want to run 
at full speed, change the active power management scheme (right click to the 
plug icon beside the clock in KDE -> "Set active scheme" -> Performance).

> Printing does not work on my HP Color Laser Jet 1500, which should be
> connected over lpr on another machine(attached on usb port). I also had to
> use a special ppd file and the foomatic driver in gentoo for that, but in
> openSuSE there seems to be the same issue: It's not working out of the box,
> you need something else (eg. from linuxprinting.org). Not working means: I
> send a printing command to the printer and it's lamp blinks for a moment
> and then does nothing and the printing command is deleted.

There is a printer driver called "Color LaserJet Series PCL 6" and "Color 
LaserJet" in YaST. The latter one is a PostScript driver. If your printer 
supports PostScript, I would prefer that one (I actually could not find a HP 
color LaserJet 1500 on the hp website).

> Next point is that I can't get entrance or enlightenment to work. under
> gentoo I could easily change under /etc/rc.conf which displaymanger was
> used. Now openSuSE seems to have another way but does not tell me which
> one. I went over to runlevel services under yast, activated entrance but
> nothing moved. 

That's SUSE style. They configure everything in /etc/sysconfig. In YaST you 
will find an editor: "System" -> "Editor for /etc/sysconfig files".

> Btw what is earlykdm? kdm just with a cooler name? :) 

This starts kdm as the first service in runlevel 5. So, you can login while 
the rest of the services is loaded in the background. Seems as it would boot 
faster while actually, it does not.

> I also hate the image on grub.. *shrug keep it simple, the same goes to the
> kde background, why not just use the standard kde background? I don't need
> to see, that I'm on SuSE, because I set up SuSE and I know that there's a
> difference between kde and SuSE... I get the feeling that you use kde but
> nowhere write it's name on the startup... there isn't even the K StartMenu,
> it's that gecko smile...

There is another artwork thread here. If you do not like the SUSE theme, use 
another or uninstall "kdebase3-suse".

> The positive parts:
> it's hell of a good feeling if openoffice installs within 3 minutes and
> it's as fast or even a bit faster starting up than under gentoo (where the
> installation(compilation) took the same time...just in days).
> The Community is nice, in the mailing list you get friendly answers within
> very few time.

That's why I changed back (SuSE -> Gentoo -> SUSE).

> I also like the way, how installation of packages with the conflicts are
> done, mainly I really like Yast2.

YaST is very good indeed. But I also really like apt for installing and 
updating RPMs.

> Hotplug works good, but i'd rather see the usbstick in media:/ folder
> instead of in /media/usbstick but that's a detail.

You see it in both places. The stick is mounted to /media/usbstick by the 
hotplug daemon. And KDE shows all media under "media:/".

> The SuSE watcher seems to be for windows XP migrants :) but oh well, nice
> to have...

Well I think it is quite useful not to check for updates manually. And 
remember that the SuSE watcher was here before Windows XP offered its 

> apache2 works, all these processes just have to be activated first.

Yes, of course. But before activating it, configuring should be done. You can 
do that in YaST, too (network services -> http).


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