We really dont need this discussion again.

Fact is we need & any user not wanting to join a list
or RTFM .. needs a forum for some "interactive" help.

Fact also is that some here hate the idea of a forum
but that doesnt change the fact that we are still in
need of a main big central openSuSE/SuSE/Novell forum.

Someone is dealing with this as far as I know .. just
have to wait I guess.


--- Per Jessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Marcel Mourguiart wrote:
> > A forum is more flexible, 
> Maybe in some ways, but it usually requires you to
> log on - which
> doesn't spell flexible to me.
> > you can have postit with more commons questions or
> what ever you want
> > and i think is easier to search.
> easier than googling?   
> Just in case - I _am_ thoroughly opposed to the use
> of webforums, but I
> am also fully prepared to listen to anyone with a
> _solid_ argument for
> webforums.  (which I think should be called
> webfora).
> /Per Jessen, Zürich

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