On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Michael K. Dolan Jr. wrote:

> Why not "federate" forums... synchronize user bases, threads and start 
> from there. If you post in one, it's replicated everywhere. That will 
> bring everyone in...

No chance! This would just cause a synchronization nightmare and a lot of 

> Regardless as with any community that has formed a large, growing base 
> opensuse.org needs to have an official forum. I however would argue it 
> should be community controlled. Maybe the forum admins/owners of the 
> other sites could take over forums.opensuse.org??

For now we decided to wait for the improved Novell Forums - which is not 
to say it will be impossible to have the community control it (in terms of 
advanced access / moderation rights for specific forums).


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