On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 03:48:48PM +0100, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
> On Friday, 14 October 2005 13:45, Andreas Simon wrote:
> > This is unfair. If you say Mandriva is based on Red Hat than you should say
> > SUSE is based on Slackware (you know it started as a German version of
> > Slackware) or later on Jurix (starting with S.u.S.E. Linux 4.2). Today both
> > Mandriva and SUSE are great distros on their own, no longer based on some
> > other distro with some added value.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andreas
> Thanks for correcting me: it's perfectly true that Mandrake separated from 
> the 
> Red Hat base a long time ago. As for the Slackware roots of SuSE I never knew 
> that, when I discovered it (after attempting an odl Slackware) I didn't 
> notice it.

What about me? I posted the same thing but sooner. If you bought 8.1 the
calander it came with had this info in there.

> Note that I would say I was "wrong" rather than "unfair" - I don't see 
> anything discreditable to develop a distribution based on another (as long as 
> it is permitted). There are many Debian-based distributions that fullfill 
> different needs than the original (but that would not exist but for the 
> original Debian) and I hope that the existence of OSS will be the seed for 
> "SuSE-based" distribution. Just one example: I was today installing a 
> "disaster-system" on a 1GB partition on my laptop: SuSE 10 would not do (even 
> after deselecting lots of things they would come back to "satisfy 
> dependancies" so I had to digg up an old 8.0 which still has a "minimum 
> installation" available. So if anyone created a "SuSE-based distro thet will 
> fit on half a gigabyte" I would welcome it.
> Thierry
> -- 
> The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
> capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
> safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
> Frank Zappa
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