Kevin Donnelly wrote:

On Friday 21 October 2005 02:17, jim wrote:
It wouldn't accept the encryption key until you removed the 'open', then
yast would accept the key number  but as ASCII.
Well where back to square one, for some reason the command line ,
command won't connect the card anymore "Network Unreachable"

When I use a Netgear MA521 with SUSE 9.3 (via ndiswrapper), it gets set up with security mode open, but will only work (ie show a green connection light) if that is changed to restricted:
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted s:[ASCII_key]

Apologies if this is way off-beam.

Thanks for your help Kenny, but that comes up with a error: SET failed on device eth0 ; Operation not supported.
If I use wlan0 instead of eth0 I get the error: No such device.
It is so weird as to why this seems to be a problem in Suse and not Fedora4.


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