Am Dienstag 25 Oktober 2005 12:42 schrieb Rasmus Plewe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:02:20PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Am Dienstag 25 Oktober 2005 09:49 schrieb Francesco Scaglioni
> > > ... Seems as if ~/bin was being looked at prior to the shared
> > > bin.
> > on an old *nix system the order was /usr/(s)bin /usr/local/(s)bin.
> > So you always end up with the commands the admin configured. On
> > newer (Linux) systems the order changed: ~/bin /usr/local/bin
> > /usr/bin to give programms that the user installed a chance.
> > The old fashion is more secure and suitable for a multiuser
> > (server) system, the newer fashion is really usefull for a single
> > user (home user) system.

Hi Rasmus,

> I disagree. No user has to have write access to /usr/local. If users
> can write into any directory in the default path: shoot the admin.

yes, you are right. No ordinary user should be able to write 
to /usr/local.

> Would you like to explain why you think it is more secure that /usr
> takes precedence over /usr/local[0]? This would make it very hard for
> the admin to 'replace' commands without altering the installed files.

Because so you always get the command, that came with the distributed os 
and not the 'replaced' one. If you place e.g. a more powerfull "grep" 
command in /usr/local/bin, thats fine for the commandline usage, but 
some os-distributed scripts may fail, because they relay on the "old 
style" command in /usr/bin. Thats a problem I ran in on an old 

> There is a lot of sense in having the order something like
> $HOME/bin;/urs/local/bin;/bin,


> and there is no other risk than that a 
> user might shoot himself (and not others) in the foot.

Here is /usr/local/bin a question. If you install a new "grep" 
in /usr/local/bin and your co-user installs some pice of software (as 
root (su)), the installer may fail, because of the wrong "grep" being 
used. Sure you can argue "the installer should provide it's own $PATH", 
but most of them just do a "which prog" or even nothing.

> You might 
> however argue about having $HOME/bin in there, I grant you that.

I _love_ ~/bin in front of my $PATH, to overwrite system commands for 
_my own_ user.

> And 
> *sbin* does not belong into a users PATH by default, IMHO.

On my own user, I often put it in, especially while testing new 
(SuSE-)distros. It's an easy way for lazy people :-)

> [0] I tend to think that it always was /usr/local over /usr, in the
>     history of Unix, but am not historian enough to be able to prove
> it.

On SCO 3.2 there is /bin;/usr/bin;/usr/local/bin

BTW: The same arguments used here for bin apply also to lib IMHO.

-- mdc

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