On Saturday 29 October 2005 15:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Am Freitag 28 Oktober 2005 21:32 schrieb "Alexander S. Usov"
> > On Thursday 27 October 2005 20:56, Reinhard Gimbel wrote:
> > > Alexander S. Usov wrote:
> > > > ...
> > >
> > > - Edit "xorg.conf"
> > > ========== [extract of "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"] ==========
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Driver "synaptics"
>   Identifier "Mouse[1]"
>   Option "Device" "auto-dev"
>   Option "SHMConfig" "on"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>   Driver "mouse"
>   Identifier "Mouse[3]"
>   Option "Buttons" "5"
>   Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
>   Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
>   Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> EndSection
> > > ========== [/extract of "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"] ==========
> man synaptics

Sorry, I didn't understood the point.
You mean that one doesn't have to specify the exact device for synaptics 

Best regards,

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