I'm still trying to get suse 10.0 gm onto my desktop (emailing here from
a P200/128mb "server" until a network install works!).

In the context of mounting a loopback dvd.iso image into a directory for
export via nfs (which didn't work with an nfs error returned) it was
suggested I mounted another way and then started an ftp "server" (I

The command to do this was suggested as 

ftpd -D

However, this returned a - command not found in bash - error.

What is ftpd? i.e. what is it starting up?

Is there anything else in suse 9.3 that is supposed to do the same thing
(different name or different program)?

If it is on the installation, where would it live? And how do I direct
the 'pooter to find it in its search path?

Trying to get suse10.0 onto my desktop is proving quite an obstacle

At least in windows I'd have some clue where to start poking about ...
<takes cover>

Good thing I'm into free/open source stuff for political/ideological
reasons, eh? That's if I can get "in" to it...

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