
On Tuesday 01 November 2005 22:34, David Bottrill wrote:

> > Nothing special. I've configured the network during install by yast
> > (with boot.iso). I installed the original Xen kernel, boot this one
> > and eth0 was gone. I've deleted the card and reconfigured in yast,
> > but I've only a working eth0 with the default kernel. Update to the
> > version of garloff (7313), boot the new Xen kernel and eth0 was
> > working again.
> >
> > MANDATORY_DEVICES is set to "eth0".
> I have tried both 7313 and 7398 with MANDATORY_DEVICES set to eth0 and
> still the Dom0 networking doesn't work on my Athlon XP machine, whereare
> 7398 works fine on my Dell Server.

I've just noticed the following message during startup:

Checking/updating CPU microcodeFATAL: Error inserting microcode 
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

looking in dmesg I get:

microcode: Unknown symbol sys_munlock
microcode: Unknown symbol sys_mlock

Does this mean the kernel modules are built for a Intel not AMD chip ? it's 
funny it works on my Celleron server and not my AMD Athlon XP board.

David Bottrill

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