
Thank you very, very much for your detailed post.  I followed your
directions and it works like a charm!
It was only as an after thought that I mentioned that I'd configured
eth0 to use ifplugd .. good thing I did or I'd have lost out on your
excellent post.  :)

I have the system configured to get the time from the ntp server on
boot-up.  Regardless of whether ifplugd is used or not it still strikes
me as a problem in the boot-process to be trying to access the ntp
server before the interface is configured.  I guess my understanding of
this is just too simplified.  :(  I would also think that ifplugd would
be the default for non-wireless interfaces.

    - Bruce

Henne Vogelsang wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday, November 03, 2005 at 15:51:42, Bruce A. Mallett wrote:
>> I think I'm seeing an ordering problem in that ntp won't set the system
>> clock on boot because:
>>   1) Yast stores the time server's name and not its IP address in
>> /etc/ntp.conf
>>   2) My system gets its IP via dhcpd
>>   3) ntp fails to resolve the IP address via DNS for the ntp server
>> named in /etc/ntp.conf because ...
>>   4) dhcpd does not modify /etc/resolv.conf until *after*
>> /etc/init.d/ntp is run
>> FWIW: I've eth0 controlled by ifplugd.
> Thats the "problem" (its not really a problem its your misunderstanding
> of ifplugd ;). The interface is up as soon as ifplugd is started. If you
> want to have ntp started/restarted after the interface is connected you
> need to do so in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifservices-<device description>
> Like
> $ cd /etc/sysconfig/network 
> $ ls ifcfg-eth-id-00:0c:6e:4d:59:39 
> ifcfg-eth-id-00:0c:6e:4d:59:39
> $ mkdir ifservices-eth-id-00:0c:6e:4d:59:39
> $ cd ifservices-eth-id-00:0c:6e:4d:59:39
> $ ln -s ../../init.d/ntp S10ntp
> $ ln -s ../../init.d/ntp K90ntp
> Henne

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