Indeed, apparently qt3.3.5 had sneaked its way in, reverted and problem 
solved.  I should have known this was the issue.
Thanks for the help

>On Monday 14 November 2005 14:53, Clayton wrote:
> > Suddenly all my KDE styles have disappeard, the only ones left are CDE,
> > Motif, Win 95, Platinum and SGI (does anybody ever use these?)
> > Rpms like thinkeramik, and kdeartwork are installed.
> >
> > This occured after doing a full update (using guru, supplementary and
> > inst-source) on a fresh OSS install.   Kde version is 3.4.3 Level b.
> > I googled around, tried deleting my .kde dir and installing a new style
> > (baghira) but to no avail...
> > Though I suspect it to be something trivial.
> > Any pointers?
> Been discussed on the list a couple times - myself included :-)
> Basically it's all down to the QT build.  To recover your styles, roll
> back to your previous version of QT... which means a lot of your KDE
> will need to be rolled back as well.
> C.
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