Stan Glasoe wrote:
On Monday 14 November 2005 9:26 am, Ken Siersma wrote:
I've installed openSUSE 10.0

No, you've installed SUSE Linux 10.0 the current released version. openSUSE is the project that deals with the next release of SUSE Linux, currently at 10.1 alpha RC2 or so.

Can anyone offer advice?

For released versions of SUSE Linux go to the appropriate mailing list such as suse-linux-e for this topic. You will get lots more help there. Most people on this list are focused on issues with making the next released version as bug free as possible.

Check the cable, switch it for another known good one. Switch to a different port on the Ethernet switch. Try a different Ethernet switch. Double check your options for the driver. Doesn't look like they are correct becasue it complains when loaded. They can also be placed in YaST's Network Device settings on a per card basis.



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Thanks Stan, sorry for the irresponsible post.

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