the wireless subnet of the AP is and it connects to the
10.x.x.x ISP controlled network.  The DNS servers live on their side and
are autodetected.  the gateway from the AP to the Internet is a
address.  I cannot change anything except my PC and the address for it is
correctly allocated by DHCP from my AP as

I have two access points, one at home, one at work, both configured
identically.  When using a windows box (same box, dual partitions)
everything works fine from either one.  when i boot into suse, neither AP
will allow me to see the Internet.  I am new to Unix (not really, did a
lot of Unix in 1986-1990, but not even the same anymore).  I have used
this YaST2 module to configure and actually got it working once, but when
i rebooted, it was the same problem over again.  I just do not know what
to set or where to set it and really appreciate your taking the time to
respond and help out.


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