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Eberhard Moenkeberg wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Juergen Weigert wrote:
>> * openSUSE could be a central repository for OSS.
>>  Not for hosting source, but as "DistForge".
> This would be a good motor of the community aspect.
> We need a "build host" architecture and a "hidden mirror source",
> nothing more.

Eberhard, what do you mean with "hidden mirror source" ?

>> * We define a new standard for collaborative packaging and distribution
>>  building.
> Please do. Not much work if you invoke a committee out of the suse-user
> ("suser") packager from "your" apt community.

I'd even like to put it like this: please involve us community packagers in 
this process, don't let
us stay aside. We can give you feedback about the issues we're facing every 
day, what would help
most, how to best organize and coordinate things, at least from our past and 
current experience.

>> * become an open platform, suited for experimenal development
> Already is. See ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-*/.

Yes and no. We (suser-*) were always bound to a "static" core distribution, 
from our point of view.
We didn't have much possibilities to influence what was happening in there. 
This has changed now, or
at least it has started to change.

It (the "build service" ?) should become a truly open and collaborative 
platform for working
together, both the SUSE staff and the packagers from the community.

There's also another aspect: the customized distributions based on SUSE Linux 
OSS, such as SUPER,
SLICK, ... That's highly experimental, and the outcomes and experience from 
those projects will be
very interesting.

>> * strengthen the "SUSE Linux" brand.
> Why not. Maybe you need to turn the chamaeleon (gecko) once more, 90
> grades this time, with a silly grin and a rolling stones tongue coming
> out. ;-))

You might not think so, but that also goes through wallpapers, web buttons, 
logos, merchandising
(T-shirts and stuff), so people can show off what their favorite distro is.
Don't believe me ? have a look at Debian ;)

>> * and finally:
>>  - rule the World (any volunteers?)

Count me in ;)

>> * The openSUSE project fades away (both, inside and outside of Novell),
>>  or does gain momentum soon enough.
> In my guess, "openSUSE" is just an effort to integrate what has lived
> aside since a long time. Just listen to the suser-* packagers, and you
> will reach the goal blindly.

Well not necessarely blindly, but I know we can provide a lot in terms of 
experience, ideas,
suggestions and manpower.

As I already wrote on the opensuse mailing-list some months ago (part of that 
lot of emails that got
lost in some black hole between the SUSE 10.0 release rush and the SUSE staff 
taking holidays after
that), in my opinion we should try to:
a) coordinate the community/"suser" packagers, make it more of a joint effort 
instead of disparate
repositories as of now (a few things have been made towards that direction, but 
not much, and
definitely not enough)
b) grow the packager community, help, review, teach

>> * It is unclear, how the community can participate.
> Reporting, requesting, discussing, packaging.

It's not totally clear how the community can participate as of now, as not 
enough has been "opened
up" until now (but I know that you know, and that you're working on that).
- - testing, reporting bugs
- - spreading the word
- - making packages (*), testing those packages, provide feedback, communicate 
with upstream
- - helping users: forums, IRC, mailing-lists

(*) I mostly mean packages that are either not in the core distribution or the 
latest version, as
what is mostly being done currently in "community packager" repositories

>> * We try to change everything except ourselves.
>>  (Ouch, this one went deep! Thanks Henne)

Volltreffer ;)

>> * openSUSE causes fear, uncertainty and doubt at some places inside and
>     outside Novell.
> This is a matter of "simplicity in communication" only.
> You need a very simple "migration model" for press releases: the
> "professional" team simply has "opened" towards the community, but still
> is able to do all the necessary work without any help.
> The next sentence should contain "feedback"...
>> * openSUSE may create so much diversity (in packages and distributions)
>>  that clarity gets lost. How do we address that?
> Don't forget that the openSUSE community alredy is existing, for years.
> Just monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED] and www.linux-club.de...


>> Hosting
>> -------
>> - A new naming idea surfaced.
>>   We are not a 'SourceForge', but a 'BinaryForge' as we host (RPM)
>>   Binaries. -> 'DistForge'?
> Forget all associations to existing environments. You are creating
> something new, and even if not totally new, you have to have the goal of
> "world domination".

DistForge sounds nice ;)

High priority item: bugzilla for packages, including community stuff

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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