
Am Sonntag, 12. Februar 2006 09:56 schrieb jdd:
> * it wont be setup before 2-3 month. So is it better to wait
> for 10.1 (or use beta 5 in the mean time) or to stay on
> 10.0? I never tried 10.1, but, reading here I feel sometimes
> it's more an 11 than a 10.1 :-)

If you have to wait for at least 2 months, use 10.1 ;-)

> * I have at hand a very pretty little box with 9.1 running.
> It's an Acer Travelmate 312D
> 12Gb hard drive, but only 48Mo ram.

The hard drive is OK, but you should try to get more RAM into it. 

> http://en.opensuse.org/Installation_without_CD
> is _very_ confusing

Maybe it's because it describes multiple methods for installation - but 
splitting up into several pages would need to duplicate some of the 
common notes.

What about http://en.opensuse.org/Network_Install ? ;-)

> If I continue using ths laptop, I will take care of the page
> update, but I was accostumed to two possible way to achive
> the goals:
> - use floppies. are they still available on 10.0 (not clear
> from the cd) and 10.1? anyway this is a last chance make,
> because de 7 and more floppies of last versions are
> discouraging.

There should be a script to create boot floppies on CD1/DVD/FTP - but 
don't ask me for details.

> - copy install on the hard drive. I have two unused logical
> 2Gb partitions. may I use them? what may I copy? I can't
> copy a dvd, but I need only a minimum install (no graphic
> needed and I have a perfectly working pcmcia net card for
> the following of the install)

Just copy what you need - or simply copy the two files you need to put 
into your bootloader - see link above.

BTW: If you want a remote source, but see the installation local, remove 
the "usessh=1 sshpassword=..." parameters.

> may I copy an iso image or the raw disk content? (just a
> clue is enough, I will manage the details)

If you "mount -o loop" them manually, yes. You should use mount 
points /somewhere/CD1/ ... /somewhere/CD5/ and point YaST 
to /somewhere/CD1/. However, you still need the boot loader entry and 
have to copy the boot files out of the isos.


Christian Boltz
Jetzt kriege ich es echt mit der Angst: da gibt es Zeilen in meinem
Code der identisch mit dem von SCO ist, etwa ein "include <stdio.h>"
oder aber auch ein hinterlistiges "default:break;".
[Michael Karges in suse-linux]

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