On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 01:11:36PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry if this is the wrong list. 

suse-linux-e should be more apropriate: http://en.opensuse.org/Communicate

> I'm moving from Mandriva to Suse 10.0.
> I'm a little confused about the difference between Online Update and
> System Update. Am I right in thinking that System Update would be used
> if no net connection or if you had updates on a disc? Thanks for any
> help.

System Update is when you go from e.g. SUSE 9.3 to 10.0. So your complete

Online Update is the updating of individual programs. These are only
security patches, not version patches. If there is a vurlnerabilty found
in openssh and this is solved, the Online Update (also refered to as YOU
for Yast Online Update) will update openssh.
It will NOT do a version update from a program, so no KDE version X to KDE
version Y.

It is indeed a bit confusing in the naming. About this: Could it be
possible to have some short explanation below the Icon with the text (in
only the GUI) that explains in one sentence what the icon precicely does?
XXX     Online Update           XXX Software Management
XXX     -Security updates       XXX -Installation and
XXX     -for individual program XXX -removal of software

XXX     Media Check             XXX Installation Source
XXX     -MD5Sum of your CD      XXX -Adding and removing
XXX     -and/or DVD             XXX -installation sources

Where the Xses are the icon. The GUI is scrollable, so a bit extra lines
should not really be a problem.

The wind doth taste so bitter sweet,
        Like Jaspar wine and sugar,
It must have blown through someone's feet,
        Like those of Caspar Weinberger.
                -- P. Opus

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