Hi List,

I've been very impressed with 10.0 and 10.1 beta on some newer hardware, but big problems trying to install 10.0 on old Toshiba 510 laptop [P133, 140M ram]. FWIW, I'm currently using a network install via NFS but same happened with direct CD attempt.

The install needs ide-generic (and various PCMCIA modules for network), falls back to curses UI but completes the first stage OK. However it won't boot - it seems the initrd hasn't included ide-generic so the hard disc never appears to the kernel. Tried "modprobe ide-generic" but clearly the system hasn't got far enough to find the module yet.

If I start the "rescue system" (loading the relevant modules on the way) I can mount the root partition (/dev/hda1) and the files look fine. Here, "zgrep IDE_GENERIC /proc/config.gz" gives "CONFIG_IDE_GENERIC=m" but of course this isn't the same kernel (or is it?)

Looking at "man mkinitrd", I suspect I need to add "ide-generic" somewhere in /etc/sysconfig/kernel and run mkinitrd again but I'm not too sure how to do this from the rescue system.

Has anyone had any similar problems (perhaps with SATA?) Or is this actually a bug in the initrd generation of 10.0? Have I got the wrong end of the stick with mkinitrd?

Thanks and regards,
Richard (MQ)

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