
i've the following problem with my SuSE 10:

- after reboot, _always_ the Master and the PCM -channel is
muted. Despite using kmix with the "restore Settings-feature".

(alsactl store didn't help in this case)

- the left-handed-Mouse-Setting is lost after reboot, too.
But in kcontrol, the mark on the point "left handed" is marked.
I have to re-adjust the mouse to right-handed, then click
"apply", and then adjust it to left-handed (and click apply), to
have a left-handed mouse...

I'm using windowMaker as WM, and not kde, so none of Kmix or so
is loaded when i start working...

That is very annoying.. can one of you please help me with this
problem or give me a hint?

Do you need more infos?


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