> So we need to identify
> * things to make the people come at least once
> * small jobs, the easier the better that anybody can do.
> right now I can see some of these jobs:
> * bug hunting. bugzilla is a little intimidating. the main
> problem is that it's entirely in english. should it be
> possible to have the bugzilla screens translated? I know one
> must understand a little english to help, but I had myself
> quite difficulties to go there the first time. may be we
> should open a "bug report wiki page", at least on
> non_english wikis?
> * wiki typo editing: here the login process is a brake. May
> be a forum could be a better entry point for beginners
> * categorisation : we need really to better document this

Yes, I think it would be good to have either wikis or forums for
newbies for bug-reporting.

For both english and non-english groups. And more experienced
community users - perhaps those wiki/forum leaders should resubmit
bugs to bugzilla.

Of course this is only possible, if there are enough volunteers
willing to resubmit english-newbie and nonenglish bugs to professional
bugzilla language.

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